A Letter to You, My Love

My Love, I feel like I have sat down to write this over 100 times, but I just never am able to get the right words out. I cannot believe it has almost been a year since I lost you. So much has happened, and yet a part of me still feels like no time has really passed at all. So much about our last moments together as both a family and just us are still so vivid, like they only just happened yesterday. I still see you in your Mets shirt and sweat pants looking at me from the doorway of our bedroom as I stood by Elsie's room. I remember telling you what a great job you were doing, and reassuring you that you would feel better. I know I said "I love you" as I started down the stairs because I heard Graeme fussing. In that moment I thought you were going to start feeling better and life would get back to normal. Little did I know our story was about to take an unexpected turn only a few days later. I still think about April 3rd a great...