Happy Birthday in Heaven My Love
My Love, Today would have been your 46th birthday. Today is also the second birthday we are celebrating without you here with us. At times it still seems so unreal that 2 years ago was the last birthday you would ever celebrate with us. I still remember that day perfectly. You took the day off (so glad you did) we spent quality time together with Graeme while Elsie went to daycare. We picked her up early and I can still remember her excitement when she saw both of us walk into her classroom with Graeme. We went to the park because there was no other place you would rather be with your family. You did all the Daddy things you had always dreamed about...helping Elsie get up to the slide, watching her be brave and slide down the big slide, pushing both Elsie and Graeme on the swings with such pride and happiness on your face. You had that smile that I fell in love with, the one that made your eyes light up, that smile that...